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St John's Primary School, Moy


Welcome to St. John’s Primary School website which showcases life and learning at our school.

Situated in the Parish of Clonfeacle, County Tyrone, our school is a happy, child-centred environment which is hard working and successful.
We strive to ensure that the children ‘learn to love and love to learn’ and have many opportunities to develop their strengths and talents so they can achieve their personal best.We hope you find our website useful and enjoy browsing and sharing in the experiences of the children.

Please contact us if you would like any further information.

Louise McKnight


Post Primary Admissions - September 2025

Online applications for a Year 8 place for September 2025 will open on Tues 28th January @12 noon via EA Connect and will close on Thurs 20th February @12 noon. 

To apply visit:

For further information on the admissions process visit:


Applying for a Post Primary Place - Are you eligible for transport?

If your child will be starting post primary school this September, you can check if you are eligible for Home to School transport to the schools you are considering. Visit

To begin or complete your post primary application, visit


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Schools NI App

House Teams

February Winners - Congratulations Connaught!


Safer Schools NI App

Safer Schools NI - Children
Information for
P6 & P7
Safer Schools NI - Parents
Information for

Operation Encompass

We are an Operation Encompass school. Further information available in the Parent Section/Policies section of the school website.


Parent Support Group - Non Uniform Fundraising

This is a simple fundraising activity which has become part of the culture of the school. It takes place on the last Friday of each month when the children wear non uniform to school and bring a voluntary £1 contribution for the P.S.G. funds.

Annually, this fundraising activity contributes significantly to the P.S.G. funds which are used to buy resources and activities for the children. We thank you in advance for your contribution and hope that you continue to support it throughout the school year.

How to contribute?

Just send the £1 to school with your child or donate via the PSG's paypal account (click the link below).

PSG - Pay Pal Account




Latest Photos


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