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St John's Primary School, Moy
Children's Mental Health Week - 3rd February - 9th February - 'Know Yourself, Grow Yourself'
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2019/2020 School Year

31st Jan 2020
The theme for Catholic Schools Week 2020 was 'Living in Harmony with God's...
31st Jan 2020
Congratulations to the following children who were awarded certificates at assembly...
28th Jan 2020
The P5 children enjoyed an informative and interactive lesson about keeping safe...
22nd Jan 2020
Our P7 class enjoyed an enjoyable morning in St. Patrick's College, Dungannon. This...
17th Jan 2020
Congratulations to the following children who received certificates at assembly...
17th Jan 2020
Congratulations to team Connaught who achieved the most points during the month...
17th Jan 2020
The boys had great fun constructing towers in the afterschool club!
10th Jan 2020
Congratulations to the following children who received certificates for their behaviour...