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St John's Primary School, Moy
Children's Mental Health Week - 3rd February - 9th February - 'Know Yourself, Grow Yourself'
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2019/2020 School Year

16th May 2020
Jack L made this lovely tribute video for the P4 boys. Well done!
15th May 2020
Fr Connolly celebrated a beautiful mass on Saturday 16th May, on the St. John’s...
9th May 2020
Just before lockdown, P6 had an enjoyable, informative morning at Ranfurly House...
6th May 2020
P4 were asked to send in a First Holy Communion picture. These drawings are really...
6th May 2020
Mrs Donnelly asked the P2 children to draw or paint a sunflower picture. These beautiful...
5th May 2020
Watch this video of our present P4 children performing a wonderful assembly about...
5th May 2020
As well as working hard at their learning packs, St John's pupils have been busy...
4th May 2020
We asked the children to send us pictures of their May Altars. Aren't they just...