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St John's Primary School, Moy


2023/2024 School Year

10th Nov 2023
P5 enjoyed a STEM lesson this afternoon - trying to create Pyramids using various...
9th Nov 2023
Our Primary Three Class have been working on the topic of 'Houses and Homes' as part...
9th Nov 2023
Congratulations to Aoibheann, Anabelle and Max who were awarded prizes for their...
9th Nov 2023
Congratulations to James in P6 who has joined the Millionaire's Club for 2023/2024...
9th Nov 2023
Congratulations to the following children who reached their AR targets. Well done!
9th Nov 2023
Congratulations to the following children who received certificates for their efforts...
9th Nov 2023
A huge thankyou to the staff and pupils from St. Patrcik's Grammar School in Armagh...
9th Nov 2023
The Annual General Meeting of our Parent Support Group takes place on Monday 13th...
27th Oct 2023
The children has brilliant fun wearing fancy dress to school on the last day of half-term....
25th Oct 2023
Our P7 children had great fun carving pumpkins in the polytunnel. The pumpkins and...