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St John's Primary School, Moy


2020/2021 School Year

21st Sep 2020
Congratulations to the P7 children who commenced the 'Mile Run/Walk' Challenge today!...
17th Sep 2020
Well done to the Primary 5 children who made their First Confession this morning...
11th Sep 2020
Today the whole school connected for the first time via a virtual assembly. The...
9th Sep 2020
Primary 6 completed a ‘grafitti wall’ expressing happiness and positivity...
4th Sep 2020
Congratulations to all our pupils who returned to school this week! We are delighted...
4th Sep 2020
Congratulations to our second group of P1 boys and girls who joined the...
1st Sep 2020
Congratulations to our first group of Primary One starters who settled brilliantly...
28th Aug 2020
The staff have been working hard preparing for the children's return to school next...

2019/2020 School Year

29th Jun 2020
The boys and girls due to start P1 in September came along to receive their induction...
10th Jun 2020
As part of P4 Birds Topic Mrs Hughes asked the children to send in drawings or photos...