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St John's Primary School, Moy


2023/2024 School Year

10th May 2024
Well done to Munster who achieved the most house points in April!
10th May 2024
Congratulations to Ciara who won a medal at a recent cycling competition in Ballinastoe,...
10th May 2024
Well done to Mr Campbell and the P7 class who raised £1300 in their 'Bring...
10th May 2024
Congratulations to Shea, who after completing trials in Belfast, was selected to...
10th May 2024
Congratulations to Padraig who travelled to Blackpool with Dungannon United Youth...
10th May 2024
Well done to our pupils who took part in an art competition celebrating "craic agus...
8th May 2024
We received notification this morning that we have been successful in obtaining 'Green...
4th May 2024
There is no denying that P5 were happy with their new items from the bring and buy...
30th Apr 2024
On Tuesday 30th April Primary One performed their Spring Assembly. They were fantastic!...