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St John's Primary School, Moy


2023/2024 School Year

27th Feb 2024
Congratulations to our P3 pupil Rory who played during half time at the Tyrone v...
21st Feb 2024
P5 enjoyed some practical Mathematics this morning as they worked in teams to estimate...
21st Feb 2024
Today, every child received a Hi-Vis vest from Sustrans! The children can't wait...
20th Feb 2024
Congratulations to the following children who received certificates at assembly this...
9th Feb 2024
Well done to the following children who participated in the Armagh International...
7th Feb 2024
Congratulations and well done to the following children who received awards at assembly...
7th Feb 2024
The whole school focus this week has been 'Children's Mental Health Week!' At assembly...
6th Feb 2024
Today, we welcomed P5/6 and 7 from Moy Regional P.S. to take part in some outdoor...
1st Feb 2024
Well done to Clara, Eunan, Rory and Donal who represented the school at the Road...