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St John's Primary School, Moy
Children's Mental Health Week - 3rd February - 9th February - 'Know Yourself, Grow Yourself'
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Working with Sentinus and Ulster Wool

19th Jun 2024

At the start of the school year, Mr Campbell and the P7 class were delighted to have been successfully selected to work with Sentinus and Ulster Wool to participate in the ‘Ulster Wool Innovators Project.’ The project aimed to connect Farming and Science and to educate the children on the importance of wool as a natural material, shearing and animal welfare.

As a result of participation in the project, the children enjoyed creative learning and thinking experiences within the classroom to work and produce items made from natural wool. They also were made aware of the importance of wool in our environment and the processes which it goes through to produce everyday products. All schools that were selected to be involved exhibited their work at the Balmoral Show.

Thank-you to Sentinus and Ulster Wool for selecting St. John’s Primary School and giving us the privilege to take part.