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St John's Primary School, Moy

School/PE Uniform




·        Navy skirt/pinafore or navy dress trousers

·        Blue and white check summer dress

·        Navy sweat shirt with school logo

·        Pale blue polo shirt

·        Navy tights or blue/navy socks

·        Black flat shoes or trainers



·  Navy dress trousers/ plain dress trouser shorts

·        Navy sweat shirt with school logo

·        Pale blue polo shirt

·        Black shoes or trainers



 On the days the children have PE or after schools coaching, they should wear items from the PE uniform list below.

Girls and Boys


·        Navy shorts or Moy GAA shorts (please note sports shorts can only be worn on PE days)

·        OR navy tracksuit bottoms/plain navy leggings/Moy GAA bottoms

·        Pale blue polo shirt

·        School jumper

·        Trainers

For safety reasons, children are discouraged from wearing jewellery. If children have their ears pierced, then they should wear studs and not earrings. If children do come to school with inappropriate jewellery, then they may be required to remove the items, or may not be allowed to take part in activities where it is felt that the jewellery constitutes a safety hazard.

Hair should be clean and neat. Girls with longer hair are encouraged to wear their hair tied up.